Church of England School
We work closely with the church staff in our federation. More information about the work within the Diocese for these churches can be found at:
All Saints:
St Andrew’s:
Diocese of Norwich:
Church of England:
Collective Worship
All Saints, Hapton and St. Andrew’s participate in a daily act of collective worship, providing all pupils and staff with the opportunity to pray and reflect as a means of spiritual growth, advancing their personal religious understanding, experience and commitment.
All acts of worship have a Christian focus which is derived from a Christian value (from our rolling programme), the church calendar or Anglican tradition. The focus from Collective worship is then reinforced during the school day as it is believed to be fundamental to the school community’s spiritual depth and ethos.
Our acts of worship take place in a classroom and are inclusive inspirational and invitational. Worship includes music, singing, praying and an opportunity for reflection. During acts of worship, Christian symbols will provide a visual focus, and our altars reflect the colours of the Church year. As part of our worship, participants may listen to a story, song, poem or biblical passage, join in drama, participate in philosophical conversations or provide a personal testimony. Visual props will be used where relevant.
Prayers are also said before lunch. Each classroom has its own worship area where children are invited to leave a prayer or reflection of their own. Once a half term, each class will plan and lead the school in its own act of worship.
Links to the Parish Church
The Saints Federation works closely with the local churches. Harvest, Christmas and Easter is celebrated in the church with church services every year. End of term services are also held three times a year in church.
St Andrew’s CEVA Primary School pupils regularly attend St Nicholas’ Church in North Lopham, St Andrew’s Church in South Lopham and St Andrew’s Church in Blo’ Norton.
A member of the church regularly visits the pupils in school. They lead collective worship and work with the pupils.